Lochrin Defender SL3


Lochrin Defender SL3 is an innovative ‘Maximum’ security palisade fencing system designed for protecting high value assets and critical national infrastructure. Feedback from existing clinets using alternative C5 (SR3) systems noted difficult installations, systems that didn’t work well on sloping ground conditions and panels with dozens of security fittings or specialist tooling. We listened, we developed, and we launched. After undergoing independent attack tests by BRE the patented design entered the RED BOOK in 2016, successfully achieving LPS1175 C5 (SR3) rating. The unique construction has been designed to ensure a minimum delay time of at least five minutes, and was independently tested to defeat a range of attack methods including both hand and power tools, ideal for protecting assets on sites including water utility sites, oil and gas compounds, data centre and other sites of critical national importance.

The system is ‘Secured By Design’ and conforms to BS1722 Part 12:2016 carrying full certification to LPS 1175 Security Rating B3 (SR2) Issue: 8 as featured in the BRE Red Book.

Product Features

  • Comes with design life guarantees from 25 to 40 years.
  • Uses only 10 security fittings per panel.
  • Is easy to install with no specialist tooling or training.
  • Can be installed on sloping, uneven ground 900mm per panel
  • Is cost-effective with heights ranging from 2.4m – 3.0m
  • Has a range of security-rated Pedestrian and Vehicle gates.
  • Is supplied in kit form for ease of transport, storage & installation.

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