Environmental Risk Identification and Assessment Procedures

1. Purpose

The purpose of these procedures is to establish a systematic approach for identifying and assessing environmental-related risks within the operations of Binns Canada Ltd (“the Company”). These procedures aim to ensure the proactive identification of potential environmental risks associated with water usage, biodiversity, and other relevant environmental aspects.

2. Scope

These procedures apply to all operations, activities, and facilities operated by Binns Canada Ltd, regardless of location.

3. Environmental Aspects Identification

  • Water Usage:
    • Identify all sources of water usage within Company operations, including but not limited to, water consumption for manufacturing processes, sanitation, and irrigation.
    • Determine the quantity and quality of water used, as well as sources of water procurement (e.g., municipal supply, groundwater, surface water).
    • Assess potential impacts of water usage on local water resources, including depletion, contamination, and ecosystem disruption.
  • Biodiversity:
    • Identify areas where the Company’s operations may impact biodiversity, such as through land use changes, habitat destruction, or pollution.
    • Identify species of concern that may be affected by Company activities, including threatened or endangered species, migratory species, and species of cultural significance.
    • Assess potential impacts on biodiversity, including habitat loss, fragmentation, and alteration of ecosystem functions.

4. Risk Assessment

  • Water Usage:
    • Assess the significance of water-related risks by considering factors such as the volume of water used, the sensitivity of local water resources, and regulatory requirements.
    • Evaluate the likelihood and potential consequences of risks, including water scarcity, pollution incidents, and regulatory non-compliance.
    • Prioritize risks based on their significance, likelihood, and potential consequences, considering the Company’s ability to control and mitigate them.
  • Biodiversity:
    • Assess the significance of biodiversity-related risks by considering factors such as the extent of habitat loss, the presence of sensitive species, and the ecological value of affected areas.
    • Evaluate the likelihood and potential consequences of risks, including impacts on species populations, ecosystem services, and regulatory compliance.
    • Prioritize risks based on their significance, likelihood, and potential consequences, considering the Company’s ability to mitigate adverse impacts and support conservation efforts.

5. Mitigation and Management

  • Water Usage:
    • Implement measures to reduce water consumption, improve water efficiency, and minimize water-related risks.
    • Implement water management practices, such as recycling and reuse systems, to reduce the Company’s reliance on freshwater resources.
    • Develop contingency plans and emergency response procedures to address potential water supply disruptions, pollution incidents, or other water-related emergencies.
  • Biodiversity:
    • Implement measures to minimize impacts on biodiversity, such as habitat restoration, conservation easements, and green infrastructure.
    • Incorporate biodiversity considerations into land use planning, site development, and operational practices to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on sensitive habitats and species.
    • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and local communities, to support biodiversity conservation initiatives and enhance ecological resilience.

6. Monitoring and Review

  • Establish monitoring programs to track key environmental indicators related to water usage and biodiversity, such as water consumption, water quality, species populations, and habitat condition.
  • Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures and management practices in addressing identified environmental risks.
  • Update risk assessments and mitigation strategies as needed based on changes in operational activities, environmental conditions, regulatory requirements, and stakeholder feedback.

7. Documentation and Reporting

  • Maintain records of environmental risk assessments, mitigation measures, monitoring data, and review findings in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and Company policies.
  • Prepare periodic reports summarizing environmental performance, including progress towards risk reduction goals, compliance with regulatory requirements, and any incidents or near misses related to environmental risks.
  • Communicate relevant environmental information to internal and external stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, regulators, and community members, as appropriate.

8. Training and Awareness

  • Provide training and awareness programs to employees and contractors involved in activities with potential environmental impacts, covering topics such as water conservation, biodiversity conservation, and environmental risk management.
  • Encourage active participation and engagement in environmental stewardship efforts, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and continuous improvement throughout the organization.

9. Conclusion

By implementing these procedures, Binns Canada Ltd aims to proactively identify, assess, and manage environmental-related risks associated with water usage, biodiversity, and other relevant aspects of its operations. Through effective risk management practices, the Company demonstrates its commitment to environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, and responsible stewardship of natural resources.

Samuel Bradbury